



Large wheel SaaS attaches RFID to products, which saves the labor and time of operations that occur in sales and delivery in the retail industry.Significantly reduced and collected product data in each process. A cloud service that leads to improvements in the entire supply chain.■ Wholesale / inter-store movement and return processing[Inventory]Achieve efficient inventory・ Reduce work time and manpower by batch reading・ Achieve accurate inventory grasping and sharing through regular inventory[Transfer between stores and return processing]Quick & accurate inter-store movement / return support・ Automatically create each slip by batch reading■ In-stock inspectionBatch inspection by RFID・ Reduced work time by batch reading・ Accurate arrival processing is realized only by scanning the barcode of each mouth.■ SearchRadar search efficiency・ RFID can be used to identify the approximate location of the product and reduce search time.・ Can be detected even in mixed packaging